Congressman Austin Scott (R- GA 8), in a release sent out this week, joined with many of his fellow representatives in reminding readers that May is Military Appreciation Month, “a time to celebrate and honor those who’ve raised their hand and taken the oath to serve their fellow Americans.” Memorial Day is a traditional kickoff to the American summer but also one of the country’s most solemn holidays as it honors not just veterans, but those that paid the ultimate price defending the country. “We owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude, and their service should inspire all Americans to fight to make our country as strong as it can be,” said Scott.

Just before Memorial Day, last week, the House passed several bills related to veterans but one bill stood out to Scott and is particularly relevant as the country debates healthcare and the evergreen issue that is the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs. Just today, the VA Secretary David Shulkin said the agency is “in critical condition” and “there is a lot of work to do.” Many veterans still have to wait more than 60 days for new appointments at approximately 30 different locations across the country. Shulkin noted that the department had about 1,500 disciplinary actions against employees on hold due to legal requirements that it must wait at least a month before addressing misconduct. 

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