While Stone Mountain Park’s state-appointed authority wisely closed the entrances to Stone Mountain Park, which features the world’s largest Confederate memorial, DeKalb County law enforcement and Stone Mountain city police were nowhere to be found outside the gates yesterday as white Marxists and black radicals engaged in verbal and physical assaults with right-wing demonstrators.
InsiderAdvantage is told that state troopers finally moved in to break things up. It is not clear as this is written if any arrests were made. The troopers were guarding the park (and the huge Confederate carving on the side of the mountain) along with Georgia National Guardsmen and Georgia Bureau of Investigation personnel (some of whom are undercover agents inside radical groups).
View this video revealing the clashes. https://www.facebook.com/N2Sreports/videos/219268386157772/UzpfSTcyNzQ3NTc5MTpWSzoyNzgxMTQ2NDk4NzgyMTg2/
Part 2: Armed Confederate Activists Face Off With Armed Antifa At Stone Mountain
Part 2: Heavily armed coalitions of leftists and right wingers face off at Stone Mountain, Georgia.Filmed by Ford Fischer
Posted by News2Share on Saturday, August 15, 2020