After reading a recent editorial in the Gainesville Times, I feel compelled to respond as a member of the legislative delegation from Hall County. The Times is supporting the position that our state should avoid religious liberty legislation due to economic consequences that COULD result from backlash from corporations that would be offended by the legislation. What the Times failed to mention was that this issue was PASSED by the legislature that is elected to represent the citizens of Georgia.

When the bill passed the legislature, it was because the majority of members felt that their constituents supported the measure. The bill was later vetoed in the interest of the economic impact it MAY have on our state. The wishes of the citizens of our state were put aside in the interest of future investments that may or may not come to our state.

For example, for the last few years the legislature has passed Hollywood “friendly” measures to encourage investment in Georgia and it has been very successful. I admit to thinking that these measures were economically sound until our most recent round of elections. What really happened was that liberals moved here to invest their dollars, philosophy, opinions and are helping turn Georgia away from its conservative values. Take the recent congressional election between Jon Ossof and Karen Handel where Ossof raised over $23 million– much coming from outside our state. Why are outsiders so interested in a senate race in Georgia? Because we are in a battle between conservatism and liberalism; we have invited the fox into the hen house with our Hollywood friends and their ideals.

Do we really want the likes of Amazon, Disney, and other corporations that are vowing to promote these liberal agendas in our neighborhoods and communities? We are being sold a bill of goods that say we must go along in order to compete; we have to be friendly to draw these corporations to provide jobs, we must grow as a state economically and can’t commit economic suicide. However, many people in Georgia like our values the way they are and wish them to stay this way. We are allowing small groups of people in our society to overrule the majority simply because they are the most outspoken.

Lastly, why is it that when a conservative statement is made that it is “intolerant” and if an opposing statement is made it is called the “right to free speech?” Why are there so many double standards? Where has common sense gone? People find offense in every form. Where will it end?

Our founding fathers limited religion in government not because they were opposed to religion but because they didn’t want any ONE religion to come into power over another religion. After all, that was why they left the Church of England, not because they were agnostics. I truly believe they never thought we would not be a Christian nation and could have never envisioned the path we are currently traveling down as a nation.

I believe that as a state and country we are falling far away from our values that made us a great nation. The Bible states that “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” Proverbs 14:12. Also in Romans 1:28 Paul warned that “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness…” and in Judges 17:6 “…every man did what was right in his own eyes.” Oftentimes we try to reason as humans do, and don’t trust God to be God and to be our salvation. We should despise sin and love the sinner.

We have banned God from our schools and society but there is always the question “where is God?” when tragedy occurs. He is always right where we left Him.

Judas sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver for what he thought was right. God help us if we make the same mistake.


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