The Atlanta Region-Transit Link Authority (ATL), mandated by state law to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for metro Atlanta, will hold 10 evening community engagement sessions dubbed “District Downloads.” The goal: Inform taxpayers about the expensive transit projects submitted to the ATL’s database as a part of its “Call for Projects” for inclusion in the ATL’s Regional Transit Plan (ARTP).
“The District Downloads are a great way for citizens to provide feedback,” says ATL Board Chairman Charlie Sutlive. “Citizen engagement plays a vital role in the process of improving coordination, integration and efficiency of transit in metro Atlanta.”
The first District Download will be held in District 8 in Douglasville at Citizens Hall located at 8700 Hospital Drive in Douglasville on October 8th.
Interestingly, the 10 district sessions will be fully interactive since anyone can browse information stations to learn more about the ATL Regional Transit Plan, submitted projects and the selection criteria for projects. Citizens will also be able to upload their thoughts and ideas on the ATL Regional Transit Plan electronically through a web-based submission form.
“ATL staff are prepared to share with citizens important information on the 192 projects that were submitted to the agency for inclusion in the ATL Regional Transit Plan,” says ATL Executive Director Chris Tomlinson.
For more information on the sessions visit
This chart has dates and locations for each District Download:
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