Gov. Brian Kemp extended the stay of 1,000 National Guard troops to protect state property in Georgia’s capital. Yet the next day a left-wing mob attacked and vandalized the downtown U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices. The governor should have known ICE is a favorite radical target, so insiders wonder why his reluctance to protect it. Even Georgia Adjutant Gen. Thomas Carden Jr. publicly volunteered that the Guard “could easily protect it … (and) we can provide additional forces at his beck and call.’ That’s a pretty strong hint Kemp should give the order. If the governor allows the Guard to protect the ICE HQ and other federal buildings in Atlanta it would send a strong message that continued rioting and vandalism won’t be tolerated– especially since Atlanta’s mayor has stymied local police protection of the facilities. For now, law enforcement in Atlanta is SINKING…


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